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(How to use gas gel powder as concrete additives)
What exactly is aerogel powder?
Aerogel powder can be weighed at 3 kg/m3. Silica aerogel is the most commonly used type of aerogel powder. This aerogel was created first by Kistler and friends, an American scientist. You can find many types of aerogels such as silica, carbon, sulfur and metal oxides. The gel must be able to remove all substances after drying. This is why the aerogel product can have high porosity or low density.
Aerogel powder application
Concrete additives can include aerogel, which reduces the thermal conductivity. Concrete blocks’ thermal conductivity will drop if different amounts of silica aerogel are added. Still, compressive strength will decline and shrinkage rate also will increase. This feature allows concrete with SiO2 Aerogel to be used in non-bearing walls. Cement mortar can then be used as a bonding agents. Additives can now be developed to improve the concrete’s mechanical properties.
The characteristics of ultra-light powdered gas gel
Aerogel’s basic preparation principle is, according to scientists: remove solvent from gel and create a fully skeleton. The template-oriented method and sol-gel were used in previous preparations of aerogels. While the former is easy to produce in bulk, it’s not as controllable. However, the latter is more difficult to create and is therefore less reliable. Gaochao researchers discovered a method to create a template-free freezing process. They freeze dried the aqueous solution that had been dissolved in graphene or carbon nanotubes at low temperature to make a “carbon sponge.” This allows the user to adjust the shape of the material, which makes the manufacturing process easier and more efficient.
Aerogel powder prices
The price of Aerogel Powder will depend on its particle size and purity. Additionally, aerogel powder’s purchase volume may also have an effect on how much it costs. Large quantities of smaller amounts will result in a lower price. Our company website has the prices for aerogel powder.
Exporter of aerogel powder
Technology Co. Ltd., is a trustworthy and quality global manufacturer and supplier of chemicals. With more than twelve years experience, it can provide high quality chemical materials and nanotechnology products, such as aerogel powders and graphite powders. You can contact us at any time to inquire about our high-quality aerogel powder.
(How to use gas gel powder as concrete additives)